When Winter winds blow cold and chill
And Winter nights seem calm and still
There’s still a lot of work to do
To keep the homestead warm

The fire must stay alit and hot
Like cocoa warming in the pot
To keep our loved ones inside safe
Around the fires glow

Underneath the Winter sky
With lakes below and mountains high
The trees of Winter proudly stand
Like guardians in the snow

The creeks are cold. The ground is too
The trees are bare, except a few.
But, still and all, I like the scenes
That Winter brings each year.

Of children playing in the snow
with skis and sleds, out in the cold
Of snowball fights and round snow men
Oh! To be a kid again.

So, whether you go in, or out,
In Winter time, there is no doubt
A time to warm your heart is here
Like a Winter present.

A Winter Present written by John George Campbell c 2014
Margaret Siemers
Your poem is a delight. the words give us such a fun look into the art you love so much. Truly, truly a gift to us all to see. Thank you.
John George Campbell
Thank you Margaret. And it’s so good to see you posting. I’ve missed seeing your messages over at Google+. Seeing you posting again is a gift for me.